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Our First Tradition states that "personal recovery depends on NA unity." The Activities Committee coordinates fun, recovery-oriented events that help promote unity in the Gold Coast Area NA community as well as fundraising events that help support other committees and groups in the Gold Coast Area in their effort to carry the message to the still sick and suffering addict.

Service Positions

The Activities Subcommittee is comprised of following service positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • General Members

For more information on this committee's service positions and responsibilities, please see our ASC Policy Manual.

First and Third Tuesday of each month at 7pm

Many area service committees have six administrative officers: a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a treasurer, a secretary, and two regional committee members (RCMs).

These individuals are responsible for administering the general affairs of the entire area committee. Because of that, it's important that great care be taken in their selection. A substantial amount of clean time and personal maturity should be the first consideration, along with experience in the steps, traditions, and concepts of service. Our trusted servants should demonstrate the stability and personal sense of direction that serve as an example to others. They should be capable of serving without attempting to govern. The specific amount of clean time required for each office will vary from area to area according to how long the local NA community has been in existence.

Second Sunday of each month at 12:00 PM, virtual zoom meeting

"Workhorse" of the service structure–maybe that's the best way to describe the area service committee. Most of the hands-on work of delivering NA services to the groups and the community occurs at the area level.

Second Sunday of each month at 1pm, hybrid-zoom meeting

The Gold Coast Convention of Narcotics Anonymous is held by members of the Gold Coast Area of Narcotics Anonymous to bring our fellowship together in the celebration of recovery. Meetings, workshops and other activities are scheduled to encourage unity and fellowship among our members. Because this Convention is sponsored by the Gold Coast Area of Narcotics Anonymous, it should always conform to NA Principles and reflect our primary purpose.

GCCNA is organized and made possible by its various subcommittees, including:

Second Tuesday of each month at 7pm

Many Narcotics Anonymous members have found Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) service to be an important part of their personal recovery. Our members, who actively participate in H&I service, are very important resources in our fellowship. A
commitment to H&I service is one of the many ways to become
involved with the NA service structure and help us feel a part of
our fellowship.
We know that active addiction leads to jails, institutions, and death.
Also, NA's primary purpose is to carry the message of
recovery to the addict who still su!ers. It is not surprising that
carrying the NA message of recovery into hospitals and
institutions is one of our priorities. NA members have
consistently supported this belief by forming Hospitals and
Institutions (H&I) committees around the world.

First Monday of each month at 7pm

To procure from the Regional Service Office all literature and related items and distribute them at the group level. To procure and distribute meeting lists from the Public Relations Subcommittee as needed. Distribution is done largely at the monthly Area Service Committee meeting and is also available as required throughout the month.

Service Positions

The Literature Distribution Subcommittee is comprised of the following positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • General Volunteers

For more information on this committee's service positions and responsibilities, please see our ASC Policy Manual.

The Saturday after Area Service meets, 9:30-11:00 AM

To consider any input referred by the ASC that affects the policy of the ASC, and upon deliberation give recommendations to the Area. When necessary, the vote count is included. Also, to give a written response to any issues regarding tradition violations. When a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the issue will be forwarded to South Florida Regional Admin Committee. The Policy Subcommittee will update the policy as needed.

Service Positions

The Policy Subcommittee is comprised of the following positions:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • General Members

For more information on this committee's service positions and responsibilities, please see our ASC Policy Manual.

Second Sunday of each month at 11am, via zoom

The subcommittee meets at 7:30 PM on the last Monday of each month.  We meet on the Zoom platform, to join virtually, click the link just below. 

To join, click here:  

The role of the PR committee is to ensure that clear and accurate information about NA is available to the public. The demand for information about our fellowship is greater than ever. Being part of a committee that brings suffering addicts to our fellowship is a reward that cannot be expressed, only experienced. 

Last Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM